Monday, December 8, 2008

effective Son Shine

The weather forecast today was “Ineffective sunshine,” Bummer, it looks so glorious out the window! It’s when we step out the door that reality will hit. Cold!!!!!!!!!!!!! Advent makes a forecast too, effective Son shine! Today’s cold didn’t really hit me until I went out the door. The cold was outside. But Christ’s warmth doesn’t really hit us until it is inside. Christ is waiting to warm us from our nose to our toes when we open the door to our hearts. On the road to Emmaus, Jesus friends didn’t recognize him until he was gone. Then “They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?’” (Luke 24: 32) We seek to open our hearts in a season that celebrates Jesus’ coming, Advent. We long to know the peace, compassion, generosity, and justice that the reign of God promises to bring. But there is so much to fear, so much that closes our hearts. If we really thought Jesus was coming, at any minute, might we risk opening up to holy warmth? I don’t think it’s a coincidence that God chose to come in the irresistible, heart warming tiny person of an infant. What better way to pry our hearts open? It’s keeping our hearts open that takes real effort. Good thing God sends the Holy Spirit to help. The Son is shining! The holy forecast is more of the same. Let’s keep our windows clean, our doors open, our faces turned to the light of Christ’s presence. In Joy, Pastor Karen Keep in Touch: Many thanks to all the Fair Folk: especially our fearless fair queen, Nona Boyink. All the many hands made wonderfully light filled work! Spread the word….the children are working hard on this year’s play. Invite your friends and neighbors to worship on Dec. 21 to receive their message. (And enjoy Scandinavian treats from the parsonage kitchen during fellowship time). AND….make a point to put this year’s caroling party on your calendar for Dec. 21 at 2pm. Last year’s date was snowed out, so we have many elderly members and neighbors wondering if this touch of God’s grace will come this year. The more the merrier!

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